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Collaborative multi-output Gaussian processes

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Collaborative multi-output Gaussian processes

Code for the paper "Collaborative multi-output Gaussian processes". Collaborative multi-output Gaussian processes (COGP) is the first scalable multi-output GPs model capable of dealing with very large number of inputs and outputs (big data, if you will).

If you use the code or data we provide, please acknowledge by citing our paper:

Trung V. Nguyen and Edwin V. Bonilla, Collaborative multi-output Gaussian processes, in UAI 2014

This documentation is quite rudimentary and will be updated for more details when time allows.

1. Contents

2. Code structure (src directory)

3. How to use

The demo script src/scripts/demo_slfm.m contains an example. Once the data structure is set up properly (see the script file), slfm_learn() can be used to train a model and slfm_predict() is used to make prediction.